Stuck at Sea? Have Questions? Call our 24 hour dispatch: 800-391-4869 | For New Member Specials Call Our Office: 727-347-3532 Join Now

American Marine Services LLC, a Tow BoatU.S. Service Provider, is a Family Owned Business that has provided BoatU.S members service along the West Coast of Florida since May 2000.
We were founded on two guiding principles:
Absolute Integrity in everything we say and do.
Always do what’s right for the customer.
We have grown our business to become the largest TowBoatU.S. service provider in the United States. With fifteen boats and twenty-two professionals, we provide world class service in the Greater Tampa Bay area. Serving the Gulf Coast of Florida from Egmont Key to Cedar Key, including all of Tampa Bay.
Each year our Dispatch Center in Largo handles over 3,000 calls for help from both Members that have Unlimited Towing with services fully covered and Non-Nembers, that must pay out of pocket with either cash or a credit card. In either case, if you are near shore, you will find a bright Red Towboat arriving to your location to offer assistance in usually an hour or less.